31 days to encourage yourself - Day 22

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And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him
who have been called according to his purpose.
-Romans 8:28

We know...but there are so many things we don't know.
But the thing is:
You may never know why or how, but you can always know
who is faithful!
God works-in all things for the good of those who love Him!

God is looking and longing for someone who’s waiting for Him to be good to them. God wants to be good to you, but you have to be expecting Him to move in your life. 

And in the moments of discouragement you need to believe God's promises and not
your own feelings or thoughts.Think about all the works God has already done in your life.
You can make even a list and this helps you to see how many things
He has already done in your life. In this way you can have more faith to trust God
and expect something good to happen to you.

31 days to encourage yourself!Take daily 1 encouragement pill!

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